Saturday, April 26, 2008

Regarding "The Office", "JAM", and the massive scope of my genius...

So as most of my close friends, relatives, and occasional contacts know, I'm a fan of NBC's "The Office". While some people take the fact that I have downloaded and filed every episode alphabetically on my computer as a sign of obsession, it is merely my way expressing my passion for a truly wonderful programme.
Having watched each episode upwards of twelve times, I have, understandably, developed some serious opinions about the show, and it's plot and characters.
If you've watched the show even briefly, you know that a large portion of it is devoted to certain lovable couple, consisting of a shy but playful receptionist and her smooth and charming boyfriend. Granted, this relationship has had it's bumpy turns, but I'll save you the torture of recounting the endless and mind numbing sexual tension and was drawn out over a painful three years of programming.
So great, in the fourth season, the fangirls rejoice in a whirlwind of fan fiction, lipstick, and, um, "lady things" as Jim and Pam finally begin their horny arian relationship.
I think Toby should have gotten her. You heard me, angry mob, Toby. You know that insignificant minion working in the annex wasting his life away? That guy. It's obvious he has a "thing" for Pam (who wouldn't, honestly... Dayum!), but no, let's give the girl to the smooth, likable protagonist, who it was obvious from day one would end up bearing many fruit in her golden temple. I mean honestly, the sheer monotony of their relationship is enough to make me want to leave home, move to Scandinavia and hump reindeer until I'm an old, angry man who attempts to validate himself by wearing Harley Davidson Jackets and driving loud motorcycles and smoking pot if JAM is any indication of what a normal, Western relationship is like. Not only the terrible writing, but just the fact that, again, the cool kid got the girl is borderline loathsome, but no, even the show that crosses lines, films their scenes in edgy new ways and has a burnt foot as the entirety of an episode plot still writes their romances in the same, weariful way. So I say again, give Pam to Toby, or Andy, or Kevin. I love Kevin. He's one of the funniest roles on television, even if he is a little 'out there', why shouldn't he get sum lovin'?

I'm a dork, yes, for making a fictional relationship the entire driving force behind a blog post, but I enjoy creativity, and JAM is not creativity. It's anti-creativity. It's a Neo-Nazi conspiracy to brainwash the hearts and minds of our children. Who's with me!? Oh, right, no one.

*is emo* xoxoxoxoxoxox

(thanks to for the original picture used. Don't sue me)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh come on. Even you had to at least love the fact that Jim bought an engagement ring a week after Pam and him started going out.

I just can't see why people would find that to be pathetic at all!


(Gotta love them internet abbreviations ;)